ART TAIPEI 2024 | Enlighten Gallery

Yuan Yuan ZHANG

Reflections of Red Fuji with Cherry Blossoms and Koi

Encaustic, gouache, linen, gold leaf

72.7 x 72.7 cm


Zhang Yuan Yuan's works employ the ancient Roman encaustic technique (German: Enkaustik) from 2000 years ago. By using heated beeswax to penetrate linen, she uniquely presents images that cleverly combine Western painting techniques with elements of Chinese ink painting.


The heated beeswax permeates the linen, utilizing the changes in the wax's wetness and dryness to depict layers and contrasts in the images, similar to how fabric changes color when it gets wet. This method fuses the wax with the linen, creating an effect akin to the landscapes depicted in Chinese ink paintings. Through the application of colored pigments and gold leaf, the landscape imagery is further enhanced, rendering a dreamlike scenery.