Asa GO


Oil on canvas

97 x 162.5 x 3.2 cm


Asa GO was born in Kanagawa, Japan in 1978. Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design, Department of Painting.After receiving a master's degree fromTokyo University of the Arts, she went to the United States in 2005 under the Agency for Cultural Affairs' Overseas Study Program for Emerging Artists. Her work won the Grand Prize at the 21st Ueno Royal Museum Grand Prize Exhibition and is in the collections of the Sato Museum of Art and Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, among others.
Since the beginning of her career, Asa GO has explored the relationship between herself and others, her family, and nature, and in recent years, she has developed her work around the theme of “cities and children. She depicts the contrast between rational adults and instinctive children, shows a tender sensitivity and deep philosophical perspective in the ever-changing times. 

The weedy little bunny has the orderly streets of Tokyo spread out before his feet, and airplanes fly over the sky in a disciplined manner.On the other hand,weedy little bunny sits comfortably in the city, picking up airplanes as if they were toys and playing with them.The contrast between adults who rationally shape the world and children who grow up with instinctive dominance is expressed in her latest work, which depicts a city and a weedy child bunny.Her perspective on children, who are the closest others to her, and the society that surrounds them, is depicted with a unique sense of balance that is both soft and sharp.