Fabienne MEYER


Oil and acrylic on linen

100 x 120 cm


Born in 1995 in southwestern Germany, Fabienne Meyer, known by her pen name Bings, is a Berlin-based artist specializing in oil painting, acrylics, and digital elements. Her art merges commonplace items with abstract shapes, drawing influence from classic movies, sculptures, and dreams. Meyer sees herself as a storyteller inspired by literature and painting. She invites the audience to consider how adolescent experiences leave a lasting impact on the adult self by juxtaposing the primitive features of childhood games with the complexities of adult life. In Meyer’s hyperreal and whimsical universe, figures often blend seamlessly with their surroundings, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. Meyer has exhibited at the 2021 Parallel Vienna and the 2020 MISA Art Expo. Her works have been collected globally, and she continues to collaborate with galleries worldwide, inviting audiences to explore the rich and complex meanings of life through her creations.


In “Playmates,” Meyer explores the nuanced relationship between competition and cooperation, challenging the audience to reconsider the true players in the game through symbolic plates. From an early age, humans learn important lessons about victory and failure. "Playmates" blurs the boundaries between teams and individuals, provoking the audience to question whether all players on the board are allies or competitors and suggesting a potential alliance among them.