ART TAIPEI 2024 | Ticketing


Ticket Information
Buy Ticket

  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by adult(s).
  • Free admission for Children aged 6 and under during public days.
  • Concession tickets are available to full-time students or children aged 6 to 18, seniors at or above the age of 65, the registered disabled and one essential companion with valid IDs.
  • Flash photography and infrared devices are strictly prohibited.
  • For safety and security reasons, bags, large wheelie bags, briefcases, selfie sticks, umbrellas with long handleand and similar items larger than cabin baggage size (over 45 cm) must be deposited at the cloakroom located at Xinyi Rd. entrance 2nd floor, Word Trade Center Hall no.7 entrance, B1 coin lockers. If you do not deposit items, you must be checked by security when you enter and leave the venue to confirm not bringing artwork out.
  • The participants hereby give authority and permission to ART TAIPEI use photographic portraits or pictures of them or in which they may be included intact or in part for non-commercial purposes.
  • By using ART TAIPEI tickets, you accept our safety and security policies.
  • In general, the customers are entitled to a refund for ticket bookings cancelled before the participation date. For more details, please read the cancellation policy on the event page. To request a refund, please contact the customer service.
  • ART TAIPEI reserves all rights to make changes of terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.