Jae sun KIM

Dreaming Vagabond

Melted Korean Paper

146 x 112 公分


Obang’s harmony by Kim Yunsub(Director of Korea Art Management Institute, Prof. of Dongkuk Univ.) It’s the color that makes the shoes look better. She reinterprets mainly Obang (Five major colors of East Asia) colors in her works. In East Asia, color has more meaning than the color itself. In color are philosophy of life and even spiritual ideology. It expands to the view of the world based on Yin-Yang School. Yin-Yang has various meanings in it. Yang stands for progressiveness and activeness while Yin represents passiveness and conservativeness. Sky is Yang and earth Yin. Man is Yang, woman Yin. From her works, you may notice that she already deploys Yin-Yang School by shapes and colors. Obang consists of blue, red, yellow, black, and white. In East Asia, usually, the five colors are connected to wood, fire, dirt, water, and metal, respectively. Among those, red and blue, Yang, means south and east each. Black and white, Yin, corresponds to north and west. In terms of this aspect, you can fully feel Yin-Yang School and Obang colors. Clear colors catch your eyes and tone-downed one leads smooth aftertaste. The white shoes have a role of pure white, earth, and sometimes red energy. She expresses the real existence of the mother while diluting the invisible existence of the mother into Obang colors by the shoes. (one of the critics of Kim’s artwork)