Mizuma Art Gallery | ART TAIPEI 2024


Fireworks in backyard


80.3 x 130.3 公分


Born in Hokkaido in 1985. Completed the master’s Program in Oil Painting at the Graduate School of Art and Crafts, Kanazawa College of Art, in 2011. She focuses on the harmony between the adorable and the eerie, and the juxtaposition of life and death, crafting a unique world of painting. Her works often depict cute creatures resembling stuffed bears or fantastical landscapes from imaginary worlds. However, these details also reveal an unsettling and violent quality reminiscent of flesh, bacteria, and internal organs. This juxtaposition makes us realize that her world mirrors the contradictions of our own existence. Her major solo exhibitions include “Sugar-Coated Landscapes” (2023, Hiro Hiro Art Space, Taiwan) and “‘Q’ which decomposes” (2022, Mizuma Art Gallery, Tokyo). She also participated in “ART OF MIKU” (PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO, Tokyo) held in 2024.


On the way to the gym, there’s a path bordered by a green fence that runs alongside a grove of wild trees. Large, hand-like plants grow out and over the path, and since I didn’t encounter such shapes when I was little, I find a small pleasure in seeing them. It’s different from the charm of a well-maintained garden; it’s a striking presence created by plants left to their own devices. It gives off an “underneath” garden vibe. Every time I pass through, I wonder if something might be lurking behind the crossing narrow leaves.